Adab Membaca Al-Qur_an Yang Seorang Muslim Harus Mengetahuinya

Etiquette of Reading the Quran – A Must-Know for Every Muslim

As a Muslim, reading the Quran is an obligatory act. According to Imam Shafi’i, every Muslim should complete reading the Quran twice a year. This duty should not be taken lightly, considering the numerous merits associated with Quranic recitation.

Among the virtues of reading the Quran are that for every letter, ten good deeds are recorded, sharpened memory, purification of the heart, crowning parents with a luminous crown on the Day of Judgment for those who can read the Quran, and intercession by the verses of the Quran recited on the Day of Reckoning.

Given these exceptional rewards, it’s vital not to miss the opportunity to read the Quran daily. The Quran is the sacred word of Allah, and one cannot approach it casually. Therefore, it is essential for a devout Muslim to be acquainted with the etiquette of reading the Quran.

Because the Quran is not an ordinary book and its words are not the words of creatures, you must approach it with the utmost respect and adhere to the proper etiquette. Below, we will elaborate on the etiquette of reading the Quran, which you should follow. Please read and absorb this information:

Internal Etiquette

Internal etiquette in reading the Quran pertains to the spiritual and emotional aspects of the practice. It involves magnifying the words of Allah, focusing the heart during Quranic recitation, attaining purification of the soul, and comprehending the Quran’s content. These internal manners guide the process of deep absorption of the Quran’s teachings into your soul.

Begin your reading with a profound belief that the words you are about to recite are not of human origin; they are the sacred words of Allah. You are essentially engaging in a conversation with Allah. Approach the Quran with humility and awe, understanding the divine nature of its words.

External Etiquette

External etiquette, on the other hand, involves the physical aspects of reading the Quran. It includes the following:

  1. Performing Ablution: Although reading the Quran is permissible without ablution, it is more virtuous to do so in a state of purity. Reading the Quran while in a state of ablution earns greater rewards. When reciting the Quran without ablution, the rewards are significantly fewer.However, it’s important to note that touching the Quran without ablution is generally considered inappropriate and is discouraged.
  2. Handling the Quran: When touching the Quran, it is recommended to do so with your right hand. The right hand symbolizes goodness, while the left hand is associated with impurity. Therefore, holding the Quran with your right hand is a respectful gesture. Using both hands is also acceptable.
  3. Choosing a Clean Location: It is important to choose a clean and pure location for Quranic recitation. You can read the Quran at home, in a prayer room, or other places that are guaranteed to be clean. However, the most virtuous place for reading the Quran is within a mosque, which also allows you to gain additional rewards for engaging in acts of worship.
  4. Facing the Qibla: While it is not obligatory to face the Qibla (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca) when reading the Quran, it is considered a praiseworthy act. Although you are allowed to recite the Quran while facing any direction, following this etiquette demonstrates reverence for the sacred text.
  5. Quiet and Attentive Reading: Ensure that you read the Quran quietly and attentively. Rushing through the Quran is discouraged, as reading it with composure and reverence is more praiseworthy. Hastily reciting the Quran is considered disfavored.
  6. Cleansing the Mouth: Before starting to recite the Quran, it is advisable to clean your mouth. Avoid reading the Quran when your mouth is full or tainted with food. Performing siwak (miswak) before recitation not only fulfills this etiquette but also carries numerous merits, including improved memory, oral cleanliness, pleasant breath, and dental health.
  7. Reciting the Ta’awwudh: Before starting your Quranic recitation, it is recommended to recite the Ta’awwudh: “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim” (I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed devil). This practice is intended to seek Allah’s protection against Satan’s temptation during the reading. This recitation is important for maintaining the purity of the Quranic experience.
  8. Correct Pronunciation and Tajweed: Reading the Quran with proper pronunciation and tajweed (rules of Quranic recitation) is essential. Each letter should be enunciated correctly. Learning the different modes of Quranic recitation, such as bayyati, rost, hijaz, nahawand, shikka, jiharkah, and others, will enhance the beauty of your recitation.
  9. Prostration for Recitation of Ayat al-Sujood: When you come across an ayat (verse) in the Quran that requires sajdah (prostration), it is recommended to perform this sajdah when reciting the verse. You can identify these verses in the Quran through specific markings or notation in your copy of the Quran.

Obeying these etiquettes while reading the Quran will enable you to experience the full blessings and benefits of this holy book. These practices will enhance your connection with the divine words of Allah and allow you to derive maximum spiritual benefit from your recitation. May this knowledge guide you in your journey of reading and understanding the Quran.