9 Baby Games for Brain Development at 10 Months Old

As a mother, nurturing the growth and development of your little one is of utmost importance. Sometimes, mothers employ various methods to ensure that their child is responsive and actively learning. These approaches can include therapies, maintaining a healthy diet, lifestyle, and engaging in playtime activities.

Playtime, in particular, has a significant impact on a baby’s cognitive development, especially when you introduce educational games to them when they’re between 10 months and 1 year old. At this age, babies are highly responsive and eager to learn.

So, what games should you consider to enhance your baby’s development? Here are a few:

1. Airborne Playtime

One game that fosters cognitive development in babies aged 10 to 12 months is lifting your baby into the air. It’s a simple game that involves gently lifting your baby into the air, similar to how you would toss a ball softly.

Start by holding your baby’s arms and lifting them gently upward before lowering them. Singing nursery rhymes, like “Balonku” or “Pelangi,” while performing this action can stimulate both sides of the baby’s brain.

2. Catch and Throw with a Soft Ball

At the age of 10 to 12 months, babies usually can sit up on their own, which opens the door to a variety of playtime activities. One such activity is playing catch and throw with a soft ball. When engaging in this game, make sure you select a soft-textured fabric ball to avoid any potential injuries.

Begin by sitting across from your baby and gently roll the fabric ball towards them. Your baby will instinctively reach for the ball and roll it back to you, developing their motor skills.

3. Bathtub Fun

Choosing educational baby games doesn’t always require significant expenses. In fact, you can engage your baby in a fun and educational activity right in the bathtub. Most babies, at this age, enjoy sitting in the bath.

You can start by soaping your baby with a washcloth and providing a gentle tickling sensation under their arms while they sit in the bath. Additionally, you can create small splashes in the water by lifting a toy up and dropping it back down. During these activities, it’s an excellent opportunity to converse with your baby, helping them learn to speak.

4. Shoulder Rides

It may be surprising, but carrying your baby on your shoulders is a fun and educational game that promotes your baby’s motor skills. This playtime encourages your child to balance and become more confident in maintaining their equilibrium.

You can carry your baby on your shoulders, with their legs hanging in front of you. Hold their hands and make gentle hopping, walking, or running movements. Although it might seem simple, this game can be very enjoyable for your little one.

5. Push Cart Game

Babies aged 10 to 12 months usually begin to learn how to crawl and walk. This is an excellent time to introduce a push cart game to help them improve their walking abilities. Your baby can use the cart as support while practicing their first steps.

Ensure that the cart is securely assembled and close enough for you to assist your baby to avoid any unexpected risks.

6. Soap Bubbles

Engaging in a classic and cost-effective activity can be both enjoyable and educational for your baby: blowing soap bubbles. As you might remember from your own childhood, you don’t need to buy special bubble solution; you can make your own using dish soap or detergent.

Blow the bubbles at a safe distance from your baby to avoid soap getting in their eyes. Your baby will delight in attempting to catch and pop the bubbles, which can be both entertaining and contribute to their hand-eye coordination.

7. Building with Blocks

One popular and effective game for enhancing your baby’s intelligence and motor skills is building with blocks. Babies aged 10 to 12 months can partake in this activity. However, it’s crucial to select blocks that are safe and suitable for their grasp.

You can begin by demonstrating how to stack the blocks into various structures. Your baby will naturally try to replicate your actions and build their own shapes, which fosters fine motor skills and spatial awareness.

8. Simple Puzzles

Around 10 months old, many babies can start exploring simple puzzles. These baby puzzles typically consist of large, one-piece shapes such as circles, triangles, squares, or stars, and have corresponding holes for each shape.

These puzzles help improve your baby’s fine motor skills as they figure out which shape fits into each hole. They also aid in color and shape recognition, making learning fun and engaging.

9. Picture Books

In addition to the above activities, providing picture books with vivid and captivating illustrations can be a valuable addition to your baby’s playtime. Opt for cloth books that are safe for babies to handle. These books typically feature stimulating colors and patterns, making them ideal for babies aged 10 to 12 months.

Using picture books not only encourages visual stimulation but also promotes tactile exploration. Sharing these books with your baby can be a wonderful bonding experience, fostering their curiosity and understanding.

These games offer a variety of experiences that can help stimulate your baby’s development. By introducing these simple and fun activities, you can contribute to your baby’s growth and development effectively. Enjoy these playtime moments and cherish your baby’s journey of learning and discovery!